CEO and Founder

Lashon Thomas

I'm Lashon Thomas, the CEO and founder of Streamline Coaching, and I'm changing the game of what it means to be a woman of faith, a certified women's empowerment life coach, and an author. As a young teenager who attempted to take my life and battled with depression, low self-esteem , insecurities , and toxic relationships, I was determined to make peace with my past and make sure my pain was not in vain.

In August of 2018, after my 8-year-old son underwent a 16-hour open heart surgery , I sat in a pediatric intensive care unit as he recovered for 3 weeks . Spending my 40th birthday by his hospital bed, with lots of time to think, I decided that I didn’t want another woman to have to go through life feeling alone, powerless , worthless or broken because of past and present hurts . I knew that I had always wanted to share my past wounds and experiences of how God had brought me out of a very dark place and I want the world to know there is so much more after the tears and pain. 

I knew it was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and do what God had called me to do. Being in the hospital room and almost losing my son made me realize that in a blink of an eye, everything can change. What I didn’t want to happen was for me to miss my opportunity. I knew it was time for me to be the woman that God called me to be. 

Since that moment, I’ve been coaching and mentoring a small community of women of all ages , backgrounds and ethnicities. If you are ready to activate your healing and self-love and you’re ready to turn your pain into purpose, join me on the journey of healing and self-love so you can be a light in someone else’s darkness!

“Magic is Believing in Yourself, if You Can Do That, You Can Make Anything Happen.” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Are you ready to start loving and believing in yourself? If the answer is yes, please send me a message so we can start your personal revolution.